30 May 2012
Packages and their inside and, in fact, it is my 30th post!
Long time no see ;)
I know, I know I wrote a post yesterday and if you still haven't read it, what on earth are you waiting for?!
Well, talking business, I've received a package from my amazing new pen pal - Hannah. I've been a very lazy butt lately (oops..) and have completely forgotten to mail something peachy for her!
I am making it up to her and sending a nice package tomorrow!
My packages, as a rule, consist of same things. As, I always include a napkin or two, some teabags and blank sheets. Sometimes, I put a washi-tape and handmade envelopes.
So, this time my package is a bumper crop! haha Not really, but you'll see it yourself.
Here is Hannah's envie:
She sent me 4 self produced badges, her business card and 20 illustrations in that little booklet on the right. She is a fabulous drawer! She definitely has talent! Thank you, Hannah, so much! If you are reading this, just stop here, cause the next thing I am posting is the package you are likely to get in June ;)
When I pack things into an envelope, I usually come up with theme colours and stickers.
Then goes the other half of the package which consists of a Russian flag, an old badge of Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980, a Mango business card, a 2012 calendar, two self-made envelopes, a ten-rubles note, a train ticket, several blank sheets of paper and a vintage envelope.
This is pretty much it. I will put a 50-rubles stamp and mail the package off. The previous one was for my friend in San Francisco and it reached her in just 12 days! Isn't that fantastic?! Hopefully, today's package will get to its recipient swiftly as well!
I was walking back home from uni and took a picture of my favourite tree in the city. It remains green till the very end of October and it is the last tree to fall off its leaves,too!
Enjoy your day,
Annie B. x
I know, I know I wrote a post yesterday and if you still haven't read it, what on earth are you waiting for?!
Well, talking business, I've received a package from my amazing new pen pal - Hannah. I've been a very lazy butt lately (oops..) and have completely forgotten to mail something peachy for her!
I am making it up to her and sending a nice package tomorrow!
My packages, as a rule, consist of same things. As, I always include a napkin or two, some teabags and blank sheets. Sometimes, I put a washi-tape and handmade envelopes.
So, this time my package is a bumper crop! haha Not really, but you'll see it yourself.
Here is Hannah's envie:
When I pack things into an envelope, I usually come up with theme colours and stickers.
Then I think of what that person, I am sending the package for, would thoroughly enjoy to receive. As I don't know Hannah real well, I've come up with a bunch of different stuff. This is what I call The 'Get to know me' Package :D
Here are four teabags, a napkin, a card with an envelope ( I got it in Accessorize), a tape, four flags and some buttons and decorations.
Then goes the other half of the package which consists of a Russian flag, an old badge of Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980, a Mango business card, a 2012 calendar, two self-made envelopes, a ten-rubles note, a train ticket, several blank sheets of paper and a vintage envelope.
This is pretty much it. I will put a 50-rubles stamp and mail the package off. The previous one was for my friend in San Francisco and it reached her in just 12 days! Isn't that fantastic?! Hopefully, today's package will get to its recipient swiftly as well!
I was walking back home from uni and took a picture of my favourite tree in the city. It remains green till the very end of October and it is the last tree to fall off its leaves,too!
Enjoy your day,
Annie B. x
Week 21
Hello lovely you!
Kilmery sent me a penny as an artifact as they are no longer being released in Canada.
I received this last week. They are also from Postcrossing fellows from Ukraine, the USA, Finland, the UK, Poland and Belarus.
It was so nice to hear from my long term pan pal Alyssa. She is genuinely amazing!
I am late with the week report.. AGAIN! Oh, well. I have been such a loafer these days.
It feels like summer has not only come to Tyumen but also to my head. I have so much planned for the next three months that I hardly believe I will stick to my plan.. I never do! haha
My friend is coming to visit me this or next week and She is likely to stay here till the end of June and She and I will go back home together! Isn't that exciting? :)
As usual, the previous week wasn't lucky for mail. I've only been getting postcards from Postcrossing these weeks..
It's sad but what can I do?!
At busy times, I cannot afford to write to all the people who send me stuff but at times like now, I just mail postcards which is gradually becoming boring. It takes me so much time to write a postcard, but the ones I've been getting ( most of them) say just simple 'Greetings from blah blah' or sender's name, age,place of living.
It is not what the postcard is about, is it? I think it is about sharing something special, a message from afar..
Anyways, the weather in Tyumen is well lush but too hot and stifling for the winter lover that is me.
Isn't this HOT?!
This picture is a good stereotype breaker. It clearly shows you that it's not always cold in Siberia :D
Actually, I've received next 6 postcards and one letter today. All came here via Postcrossing and the letter is from my pen pal Kilmery. The cards are from China, Canada, The Netherlands; Malaysia, Austria and Taiwan.
I received this last week. They are also from Postcrossing fellows from Ukraine, the USA, Finland, the UK, Poland and Belarus.
As you see, I don't get much mail and It is quite cheerless. Hopefully, next week will bring some happiness to my mail box!
Postcards to Postcrossing fellows from Belarus x 2, Estonia, The Netherlands x 2, China, Finland x 2, Poland and Lithuania.
Also, three letters to Caddi, Kathleen from Sendsomething, Ria M. and Gregory from Postcrossing who wished to get something else apart from a postcard too.
Two weeks ago I was on random search on sendsomething.net and came across one amazing gal from Serbia! We are music soul mates! haha On that juncture, I've recorded her a CD of Indie songs. I hope she will like it!
I was musing on the balcony the other day and took these pics.
I have been writing some replies today and I guess I will write a few more and go to bed then.
I hope you lot are having a fun weekend and the weather is pleasant.
Here is the question of the week to you:
Do you keep things that people send you in their envelopes or you have a special box where all the received goodies are being carefully kept?
Annie B. xx
20 May 2012
Accidental Burst of Creativity
Aloha lovelies,
Today was a good day. It was good in terms of first, procrastination, second, creativity.
Well, truth be told, I never liked art classes and I am hell of a painter. Apparently, I should never repeat such experiments again. Ever.
I am not as satisfied with what I have done but I'd decided to share it with you guys before I even started.
I have been browsing blogs about mail art and snail mail today and I've come across some really nice people.
So, as a result, I have done this envelope and included several things in it. I hope the recipient will enjoy it!
I was working on this one for one hour and a half and I enjoyed it so much! It goes to a cool chick from Canada that is Laura. Make sure to check her blog and to send her some awesomeness!
This one goes to the awesome Sue! She sent me a fantastic booklet about wolves a very long time ago.. I am very sorry for not getting back to you sooner! (Ever since I've fallen in love with Glee TV show, the name SUE is associated with Sue Sylvester haha) Some goodies are also included.
This one is very arbitrary. I have found this Riley gal via sendsomething random search and she lives in Alaska! How brill is that?!
Alright, It is time I did some homework. I have a loooot to catch up!
Have a lovely weekend,
Annie B. xx
Today was a good day. It was good in terms of first, procrastination, second, creativity.
Well, truth be told, I never liked art classes and I am hell of a painter. Apparently, I should never repeat such experiments again. Ever.
I am not as satisfied with what I have done but I'd decided to share it with you guys before I even started.
I have been browsing blogs about mail art and snail mail today and I've come across some really nice people.
So, as a result, I have done this envelope and included several things in it. I hope the recipient will enjoy it!
I was working on this one for one hour and a half and I enjoyed it so much! It goes to a cool chick from Canada that is Laura. Make sure to check her blog and to send her some awesomeness!
This one goes to the awesome Sue! She sent me a fantastic booklet about wolves a very long time ago.. I am very sorry for not getting back to you sooner! (Ever since I've fallen in love with Glee TV show, the name SUE is associated with Sue Sylvester haha) Some goodies are also included.
This one is very arbitrary. I have found this Riley gal via sendsomething random search and she lives in Alaska! How brill is that?!
In case I have not shared this with you - here is my super old-fashioned closet. I put some pics from shopping catalogues on the front part. And yes, I still do have Christmas lights on.
Inside my little old closet:
Once again, my stash of almost everything I use for my snail mail. Some others are in drawers.
The last for today is the picture of my awesome toothbrush. It is called DREAM for fortune seekers.
How awesome is that?! hahaha The one I had before this one was called LOVE for those who love. Ah..
Alright, It is time I did some homework. I have a loooot to catch up!
Have a lovely weekend,
Annie B. xx
18 May 2012
Week 20
It's been a long time coming!
Ah! Hello you lot :)
This month has been a very tough one for me.
Prepare yourself for a very long post filled with many pictures!
To start off, I went on a little holiday in the beginning of May and came back to a great pile of postcards and one letter on May 10th. Ever since I have been catching up with the studies and my coursepaper. Truth be told - I don't particularly enjoy university with its homeworks,attendance, rules, etc. I wish I could just do English and nothing else for the rest of my life on my own with a diploma in my hands as well HA!
No, I am not complaining but seriously, the system of Russian education is nowhere near perfect. It has a lot of drawbacks. I am sure I will somehow manage to do two more years and leave this place for good.
I am happy I have nice people around me - if not them I would have left university and got a job.
Well, in other news,
I have got myself an iPhone 4s!! Awww wow and wow, I love it as much as I love mail! hahaha maybe even more?!
While chilling with my mum and my best friend in Serov (my hometown) I bought these beauties - navy blue moccasins - check them out:
I also got two t-shirts and two skirts. While wandering around shops I found this funny tee. My love to Pepperoni Pizza is beyond real :D
My friend and I went out almost every day and I genuinely loved every second of it!
Here is my posh cat giving her most(not really haha) attractive look. Yeah babe x
This is the view from my mum's little flat :)
My other cat - Marussia. She is very russian indeed and lives with my grands as of now.
I am a child at heart - I am still in love with Kinder Surprise <3
On the 9th of May, my friend, my friend's friend and I went out for a coffee :)
You might have figured out by now my massive addiction to the gem that is INSTAGRAM!
I do love eating apples too. My favourites are Fuji apples. Unfortunately, they didn't have them in our local supermarket :(
Ah! I have recently made friends with the babe that is Ashley from the city of San Fran and I decided to share some of the mail happiness with her. Hopefully, it reaches her soon.
I love doing online sessions. I am an active blogtv member and this is a lil shot from my latest LIVE show.
Yesterday I attended a meeting that held place at our administrative department and everything is so fancy there!
I have had this new bag for my incoming mail. It's small and rather handy :)
It is time I showed you what i have gotten in my mail box in these several weeks.
A note,a coin and a postcard from Taiwan via Postcrossing.
A letter, a sticker and a postcard from Anita via Postcrossing Forum.
I was also lucky to get this amazing envelope filled with two very funny quirky cards,two cute stickers and a note from Anna via sendsomething.
The amazing Kathleen from sendsomething sent me a napkin,a card and a nice letter in this fab envelope. I wonder where she's got it from.
My brill Arizonian(?) pen pal Misha sent me a lovely letter and her own story called 'Flowers for Grandpa'. She is very talented,indeed!
Steffi,my new pan pal from Germany, sent me this amazing letter and a napkin along with some stickers quite a while ago. I do apologies for not posting it earlier!
My long term pen pal from Tennessee, Charles sent me a postcard showing the city of El Paso and a nice letter as usual :)
The brill pen pal of mine from Canada that is Kilmery, sent me a page from their local newspaper and I absolutely loved it! It smells different from ours and I was looking it over for 30 minutes hahaha It is very interesting :) Many thanks, pal!
I received an envelope from my best friend Polly! She sent me a napkin,stickers,three sheets of paper and a teabag along with a nice letter via her new project. Check it out on sendsomething :) She is amazing x
This mysterious postcard and some stamps came here all the way from the Netherlands from a stranger and I still have not figured out who that person is but I will be sending a reply soon.
The box I got from my friends for Christmas is getting full isn't it?
I know I don't post much on here but I get more mail than I post. Usually they are single postcard which is not very exciting as letters and packages but as one knows a postcard may bring more delight than any massive package if it is done neatly with love :)
Here are some postcards I have received for the last weeks.
I love this black and white postcard from the Netherlands.The pictures was in a 1960 issue of Vogue!
I only had time to make these envelopes and I am likely to send them out precisely next week!
Earlier this week I have finally caught up with my Postcrossing postcards and as a result I have sent 20 postcards in a row! :O
And lastly, here is my mail box #30! Apparently, the happiest mail box in the neighbourhood! hahahaha
Ah, dear. I hope this post has not been very boring and I hope you enjoyed reading it too!
woop woop for all mail lovers for being so devoted to the art of mail! xx
Annie B. x X xxxx
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Making5 years ago
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