5 Dec 2011
Hello friendss!
How is it going? I am alll overr in wrapping paper, presents and preparations!
I literally cannot wait for Christmas to come!
I've bought so many stuff recently and I am willing to share it with you!
I am still waiting for a parcel from my lovely Mum. I hope it'll reach me at last..
So,first off, I've made these cute CD's. There are 12+a bonus track songs on them.
I will give them as little presents(with a Christmas napkin) to my groupmates.

Here are candles,some Christmas tea, a wrapped present(candles and 2012 lazy calendar from Hallmark), cards for my friends,teachers and my Mum. And you can also see a present for a girl from my group whose name I've picked out from a hat!
And at last here is what i will mail off tomorrow with the postcards which i posted in my previous post.
Three little packages to Riley,Millie and Emily!
Enjoy your day and remain Unique,
Annie xx
3 Dec 2011
It is been a great week! I've had so much fun replying all the letters I've kept unanswered for a while.. Now, I've mailed off my replies and I am awaiting two parcels! First one is from my lovely Mum, there are candies,stickers,little gifts for my pen friends and groupmates as well.
I literally cannot wait! My friends Sarah,from England, has sent me some goodies(she keeps what exactly in a secret!) a month ago now.. I still haven't got it. Maybe this Monday will be a lucky one for me! We'll see!
Anyways, Here is what i had received this week.
A super lovely letter from Marleen! I really love this little rabbit and a postcard of German Parliament.

The next one is a first letter from my new pen pal in Switzerland, Diane!
Here are two postcard, from Ukraine and Washington D.C.:
A great surprise I got today!
My blogtv friend sent me this amazing bracelet and also a great postcard! I love it so much.

Well! I've done more Christmas shopping! I got this faaaaabulous Card Set from Accessorize!
And I couldn't stop myself from buying a Stamp Set as well! The postcards and envelope are so damn cute! Look!
I also got these small flags yesterday. I looove 'em :3 I may send them with my letters..
This is to be honest all I've wanted to share with you this week!
More mail will come the next week,I hope..
Forever and always,
Annie xx
26 Nov 2011
aww I know it's been ages since I spoke to you..
Well, Hello friends!
I am so far behind my mailing but I do my best to catch up!
I've replied to most of my pen pals and sent 21 postcrossing cards + some new extra something's to people on sendsomething.net. I promise I will post the letters and postcards I've got for these 4-5 months. There are really nice ones.
Today, I've received a lovely Christmas card from snailmailfan (Kilmery)
and I feel so sorry for not replying to her previous letter! I am now!plus, I've bought a Cristmas gift for her!
I've been crazy busy with my studies at university and now when I've written 5 papers and have 2 more left, I have some free time and it is such a relief..
My third term is soon over. I am going home for holidays on December 23d.
On December 22nd I am organizing a Christmas party at university.
We've invited 3 of our teachers and I've bought presents for them.
I love Christmas shopping. So far I've spent nearly $150 and it's not even December yet! Ha
I have two good friends in my group whom I've bought something as well.
I am really excited for the Christmas and New Year! I hope to get many cards and presents:D
Does it feel like Christmas where you are?
It definitely does over here. Snow is falling all around me.. (:
It is somewhat cold-ish, around -20. But we are told to have a severe winter, so I expect it to be -40 haha
I think that's all now, I'd better go and finish up my writing.
Remain unique.
Annie x
6 Jul 2011
May-June-July huge up-date!
Hello dear friends,
How are you all doing so far?
It is finally holidays! I have been a lazy cat since I came home 3 weeks ago hehe
I wish you an unforgettable Summer 2011 and tons of goodies in your mail boxes!
Here goes some of card I've got so far:
from Lithuania.

from the USA.

Well, yeah. I actually have got many more cards and letters but it will take me some time to take pictures. Remain unique and keep popping in sometimes!
Annie xx♥
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