26 Nov 2011
aww I know it's been ages since I spoke to you..
Well, Hello friends!
I am so far behind my mailing but I do my best to catch up!
I've replied to most of my pen pals and sent 21 postcrossing cards + some new extra something's to people on sendsomething.net. I promise I will post the letters and postcards I've got for these 4-5 months. There are really nice ones.
Today, I've received a lovely Christmas card from snailmailfan (Kilmery)
and I feel so sorry for not replying to her previous letter! I am now!plus, I've bought a Cristmas gift for her!
I've been crazy busy with my studies at university and now when I've written 5 papers and have 2 more left, I have some free time and it is such a relief..
My third term is soon over. I am going home for holidays on December 23d.
On December 22nd I am organizing a Christmas party at university.
We've invited 3 of our teachers and I've bought presents for them.
I love Christmas shopping. So far I've spent nearly $150 and it's not even December yet! Ha
I have two good friends in my group whom I've bought something as well.
I am really excited for the Christmas and New Year! I hope to get many cards and presents:D
Does it feel like Christmas where you are?
It definitely does over here. Snow is falling all around me.. (:
It is somewhat cold-ish, around -20. But we are told to have a severe winter, so I expect it to be -40 haha
I think that's all now, I'd better go and finish up my writing.
Remain unique.
Annie x
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